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Looking Back & Carrying On: History of Black Pentecostalism is the second course of the PCAFI Advanced Leadership Certificate. Learn about the rich history of PCAFI’s origins in Black Pentecostalism.
What does it mean to be a PCAFI leader? At PCAFI, our denomination has a rich history, and specific beliefs and practices that matter deeply to us. This course, Looking Back & Carrying On: History of Black Pentecostalism, introduces and explains some of the major persons, events, trends, and themes within Black Pentecostalism. You will also learn about major contributions of African Americans to Global pentecostalism, and the effects of Black pentecostal history to our context and tradition. Join us as we explore our past and prepare for the future of PCAFI!
Learning Outcomes
This course counts toward the PCAFI Advanced Leadership Certificate.
Created in partnership with PCAFI, the Pannell Center, and FULLER Equip.
1. Getting Startec
Biblical Pentecost
2. Defining Pentecost
3. Pentecost & the Early Christian Church
Modern Pentecostalism
4. Pentecostal Doctrine
5. Wesleyan Holiness Movement
The Shot Heard ‘Round the World (Azusa Street Revival)
6. Azusa Street Revival & the Apostolic Faith Mission
7. Race & Azusa Street
Global Pentecostalism
8. The Spread of Pentecostalism
9. Next Steps
Your Instructor
Fuller Seminary is an evangelical, multidenominational graduate institution committed to forming global leaders for kingdom vocations. Responding to changes in the church and world, Fuller is transforming the seminary experience for both traditional students and those beyond the classroom: providing theological formation that helps Christ-followers serve as faithful, courageous, innovative, collaborative, and fruitful leaders in all of life, in any setting.
Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International
The Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International (PCAFI) was founded by Bishop Samuel N. Hancock in 1957 and officially incorporated on November 20, 1957. Established from its inception as a Oneness Pentecostal organization practicing baptism by full water immersion, the group sought to create an organization that stood for the highest standards of holiness. It is one of twelve major organizations born from the womb of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World between 1919 and 1960. Today, with churches across the globe, the PCAFI remains committed to its trademark of spiritual excellence and integrity on behalf of the Apostolic faith. Bishop Lambert W. Gates, Sr. is the current presiding bishop.
Dwight A. Radcliff Jr.
Assistant Professor of Mission, Theology, and Culture & Academic Dean for the William E. Pannell Center
Dwight A. Radcliff Jr. joined the faculty of Fuller as an assistant professor of mission, theology, and culture, and is the academic dean for the William E. Pannell Center. Before coming to Fuller, Dr. Radcliff taught at Vanguard University, Azusa Pacific University, and the Southern California School of Ministry. Radcliff lectures in seminaries, universities, and conferences on topics ranging from urban church planting, culture, theology, preaching, social justice, millennials, and evangelism. Radcliff has nearly 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry. He has served in national and jurisdictional positions within the Church Of God In Christ. Radcliff is the founder and senior pastor of The Message Center in Southern California, where he leads with his wife, DeShun Jones-Radcliff, who serves as the church’s director of administration. He and his wife have two daughters.