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In this Faith & Science: Human Origins and Evolution course, you will explore human origins and evolution through the lenses of diverse Christian perspectives, scientific views, and theological insights. You will gain a deeper appreciation of how faith and science can enrich each other, enhancing your personal faith journey and ministry impact.
This Faith & Science: Human Origins and Evolution course continues to navigate the complex relationship between faith and science that is explored in previous courses, Where to Start: Faith & Science and Are Faith and Science Incompatible?, also created in partnership with BioLogos. In this new addition to the conversation, you will be able to explore intimidating questions often avoided by Christians, like: How did humans first come to exist? What does science have to say about Adam and Eve? How should Christians think about evolution?
You will delve into the harmonious relationship between faith and the scientific understanding of evolution and its theological implications. More specifically, you will learn how science and theology can inform and enrich each other, examine the evidence for evolution and consider its theological implications, reflect on the theological and scientific perspectives surrounding Adam and Eve, and reflect on humanity’s unique role as caretakers of creation.
You will also examine the roles of hospitality and humility, two virtues that invite openness and dialogue in navigating the complex relationship between these fields. These important concepts will help prepare you for continued respectful and generative conversations about faith and science.
By exploring diverse Christian perspectives, scientific views, and profound theological insights, you will gain a deeper appreciation of how faith and science can coexist and enrich each other, enhancing your personal faith journey and ministry impact.
Learning Outcomes
Created in partnership with BioLogos and FULLER Equip.
1. Getting Started
Setting the Terrain
2. Science and Theology in Dialogue
3. Understanding Scientific Theories and Biblical Interpretation
Evolution in Science and Theology
4. Defining Evolution
5. Scientific Evidence for Evolution
6. Christian Views on Creation and Evolution
Human Nature: Both Animal and Divine
7. Humans as Animals: Understanding Homo Sapiens
8. Humans as the Image of God
9. The Question of Adam and Eve
10. Theological Lessons from Genesis
11. Humanity’s Unique Calling in Creation
12. Next Steps
Your Instructor
BioLogos is an organization that invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith while presenting an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation.
Jim Stump
Vice President of Programs at BioLogos
Jim Stump is vice president of Programs at BioLogos. He oversees the editorial team, participates in strategic planning, and hosts the podcast Language of God. Jim also writes and speaks on behalf of BioLogos. He has a PhD in philosophy and was formerly a professor and academic administrator. His earlier books include Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design; Science and Christianity: An Introduction to the Issues; and How I Changed My Mind about Evolution. Most recently, he has published The Sacred Chain: How Understanding Evolutions Leads to Deeper Faith (HarperOne, 2024).